Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hello, :)

So I just went to the temple for my year and 6 month mark trip...
(DIS-GUS-TING) That means I have one more to go... That's the one that
happens the week before I'm home. It's the beginning of all my "lasts"
in the mission. But it's a new fresh start to hit my "first"s! I'm
pretty pumped! I had a little bit of a rough patch this week but I
found strength again through relying on Christ.

Wow I'm super tired... Ha but aren't we all??! Haha :)

I'm super excited for conference though! It's amazing how much focus
there has been on the Hastening of the Work in our ward, stake, and
world really haha :) we had an awesome ward council yesterday with
bishop focusing almost completely on the work of salvation. We were
able to present this new thing were starting that has all the people
that we are working with, all the members, and their needs and info on
them on a google doc. This is shared with all the members of the ward
council and we are able to have a little bit better coordination with
the ward and Bishop told the ward counsel that he is trying to figure
out how to get the missionaries and members more involved with each
other. So that is super super awesome! I'm excited about it!

So we spend some time last week working on that. However we have been
able to meet a lot of new people and the people we are teaching and
coming closer to Christ so that brings me to this state of PURE JOY!

A buddy of mine now who was an investigator for the YSA sister
missionaries in my district got baptized yesterday. That was really
really powerful. He said "Because of this baptism, I have felt an
inner peace that I have never felt before". I truly have become a fan
of the ordinance of Baptism done in the Power of God for the remission
of sins. It's a really special opportunity to access the Atonement of
Jesus Christ and become clean, new, refreshed, and start our new life
of commitment to Christ! It is such a simple and sacred act that does
us all so much good. I want to urge you to continue following the
gospel of Jesus Christ by having faith, repenting, making and keeping
covenants forever. This is what brings promised blessings and allows
you to stand in the presence of Heavenly Father and love it.

A member of the YSA ward here bore his testimony yesterday also and he
mentioned that God's side of the covenants is always helping us to
keep our side of the covenant. That's amazing if we think about it. We
are doing nothing to "repay" God but we are doing everything to bring
about his purpose to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of
US, His children.

Love you all! Thanks for all that you do! Go out and do whatever your
promptings say!

Elder Tyler Clark

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